
Acne Treatment - Effective treatement for all types of acnes.
Acupressure - Oriental-based systems of finger-pressure which treat special points along acupuncture “meridians” (the invisible channels of energy flow in the body).
Aroma Therapeutic - Special herbs and natural ingredients to hlep bette flow of energy and therapeutic treatment.
Deep Tissue - Releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the grain of muscles, tendons and fascial. It is called deep tissue, because it also focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue.
Detoxifying “Mud” Wrap - A popular process for natual weight contrl and cellulite purification.
Hot Stone Massage - This form of bodywork involves the use of smooth, heated lava stones applied to the body using long, flowing massage strokes. The stones become an extension of the therapist’s hands. The deep heat softens and relaxes tissues. The natural healing properties of the lava stones aid in toxin removal and increased circulation. This massage experience is like no other!
Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) - NMT is a form of massage in that addresses the problem of trigger points (not to be confused with “pressure points” used in Eastern bodywork). The thing about trigger points is they’re to be found not just in the musculoskeletal body system, but they’re also in the visceral, autonomic part of the body. Those two systems have interesting ways of triggering each other off. For example, many digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, manifest as painful trigger points that refer into the mid and low back. N.M.T. is used to address stress that manifests in the body, lack of movement/momentum that most of us experience on a daily basis, faulty biomechanics, lack of nutrition, and injury.
Nourishing “Seawood” - Helps weight control and feel nourished and refreshened.
Myofascial Release - A highly interactive stretching technique that requires feedback from the client’s body to determine the direction, force and duration of the stretch and to facilitate maximum relaxation of the tense tissues. Myofascial Release recognizes that a muscle cannot be isolated from other structures of the body. All parts of the body are covered by fascia, a pliable connective tissue that winds itself in Saran-Wrap-like fashion around and throughout all of the organs. Therefore, Myofascial stretches are aimed at stretching units/areas and are less focused on individual muscle stretching.
Office Relief - Relieves common office related tensions concentrating on head, neck, shoulder, back, hand and foot.
On - Location- We come to convenience of your office and home to give relief from common tensions.
Orthopedic Massage - A form of bodywork for treatment of pain and injuries caused by dysfunction in the locomotor tissues of the body (muscle, tendon, ligament, bone, bursa, fascia, and nerve). The term Orthopedic Massage does not denote a specific technique, but is used to include a broad spectrum of approaches for soft-tissue dysfunction. Orthopedic Massage may incorporate diverse techniques such as trigger point therapy, deep transverse friction, myofascial approaches or muscle energy techniques to name but a few. It is not as much a technique as it is an umbrella concept for a wide variety of treatment methods.
Reflexology - 100% of human body relates to and pressures feet. It’s becoming increasingly essential to treat the foot regularly for optimum health.
Scalf - Massage of head on the regular basis helps in several ways. Effectively prevents hair loss and relieves from stress with tremendous effect.
“Sea Salt” Body Polish - Removes dead skin cells using mineral sea salts fllowed by loofah scrub.
Shiatsu - Shiatsu is a form of physical manipulation that was developed in Japan in the twentieth century. Its origin comes from ancient Chinese techniques, “do-in” and “anma”. Do-in is very similar to yoga while Anma resembles Western massage. These two techniques are the oldest forms of medical treatment in the Orient. In modern times, modern manipulative therapy like chiropractic and osteopathy, mainly imported from America, established a new status in medicine: massage was still considered as a more or less medical substitute. About 1,000 years ago Chinese medicine was introduced into Japan. At that time the Anma method was well known in the medical field and was considered the safest and easiest method to treat the human body. During the Edo Era (about 300 years ago), doctors in Japan were required to study Anma in order to understand and become familiar with the structure of the human body and its functions in terms of meridian lines. Their training in this type of manual therapy enabled them to accurately diagnose and administer Chinese herbal medicine as well as locate the acupuncture points easily for acupuncture treatments when they became independent. Unfortunately, this ancient manipulation method was reduced to treating only simple problems like frozen shoulders and tight-back, and was referred to as a blind man’s profession. Because blind people were at a great disadvantage in receiving formal study in diagnosis and treatment, Anma gradually became associated with pleasure and comfort. Western massage, as an ancient form of manipulation documented in Egyptian, Greek, and Roman history, became popular in Japan about 100 years ago when their doors were opened to the West. However, this type of massage did not enter the mainstream of medicine in Japan. Later, a modern method of manipulation was imported to Japan that focused on bone structure, the autonomic nervous system, and internal organ functioning rather than on muscle, the lymphatic system, and blood circulation as is the case with massage. A few traditional Anma therapists studied this new method and combined it with their own technique creating a new method, which was usually named after its originator. All of these techniques were placed under the general name “Shiatsu”. So, the term Shiatsu actually represents a number of different methods of manipulation. Recognition of Shiatsu in Japan as a bona-fide type of manipulation therapy came about 80 years ago and has been popular among the public for about 60 years. As this form of treatment became popular, due to its simple, but effective techniques, it was recognized as a legitimate form of therapy. Today, the three legally recognized forms of manipulation therapy in Japan are Anma, Western or Swedish massage, and Shiatsu. Although some professional therapists insist that a great deal of difference exists among these forms of treatment, logically great differences cannot exist within one general field, in this case, manually applied stimulation to the human body. Of course, there are a variety of methods and schools, but basically they are similar.
Sports Massage - Massage therapy focusing on muscle systems relevant to a particular sport.
Swedish Massage - A system of long strokes, kneading and friction techniques on the more superficial layers of the muscles, combined with active and passive movements of the join.
Thai Massage was born in India. It consist of Assisted stretching, Meridian-pressure point therapy, and Pranayama - an exact system of breathing to replenish the body and strengthen the nervous system. It is understood that the Final Relaxation at the end of the session is profound. If you like Yoga or stretching you’ll love Thai Yoga Massage.